In a rapidly changing society, ongoing learning is important for vocational training teachers; one way for them to keep learning is through the workplace.
In her new book, Supporting the Workplace Learning of Vocational and Further Education Teachers: Mentoring and Beyond, author Susanne Francisco reveals that the arrangements in the workplace can either enable teacher learning or constrain it.
"Rapid changes are happening in industry, in the workplace that students are going into and just ongoing changes in general, are areas that VET teachers need to be across," Francisco told Campus Review.
According to Francisco, casual teachers are the one that are the most impacted by the workplace when it comes to teachers' learning.
"Casual teachers are mostly separated and kept apart from permanent teachers, this impacts learning.
"Lack of teachers' learning can lead on big mistakes that affect the students.
"Having a simple morning tea everyday where you can share experiences with your colleague is already a step that enables teacher's learning."
To tell us more about teacher learning and about the VET sector in general Francisco, Senior Lecturer in Adult and Vocational Education Charles Sturt University, joined us on the Campus Review podcast.
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