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HEDx Podcast: How are US universities faring? – Episode 115

The Australian university sector is focused on the Universities Accord and upcoming budget, while in the United Kingdom universities are struggling to afford to enrol domestic students since tuition fees were frozen in 2017.

How are American universities faring? Scholar of higher education at New York University Arthur Levine joins Martin Betts to discuss the updated version of his 2021 book The Great Upheaval: Higher Education’s Past, Present, and Uncertain Future.

Mr Levine and his co-author Scott Van Pelt take a historical, cross-industry perspective to perform a 360-degree survey of American higher education, with a comparative analysis of related business sectors.

Among other duties, Mr Levine is President Emeritus of Teachers College at Columbia University, and was formerly chair of the Institute for Educational Management at the Harvard  Graduate School of Education.

Image source: Arthur Levine

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