Home | News | Over one in four students sexually harassed in 2016: human rights report
Photo: Universities Australia

Over one in four students sexually harassed in 2016: human rights report

A woman who was kissed on the cheek by a teacher on the bus on the way to uni. A woman from a residential college who went out partying and was encouraged to drink by a male friend and fellow student, who then sexually assaulted her whilst she was passed out, back in the dorms. A male who didn’t report his sexual assault because he didn’t think he’d be taken seriously. A first-year student who was raped by an O-week camp leader, who had allegedly previously raped other students with impunity. These are just a tiny sample of the stories of victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault on Australian university campuses over the last two years, as detailed in today’s Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) report.

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