Nature has a positive impact on both physical and mental health; it reduces stress, relaxes mind and body, increases creativity and boosts focus. Pressure to find funding, publishing deadlines and team management are, among others, a common stress denominator in ...
More »QUT, UTS among young unis in the fast lane: Nature Index ranking
Curtin University is Australia’s best young uni in the natural sciences, if a ranking of institutions under 50 years of age is to go by. Nature Index ranked Curtin 23rd in the world, above its closest homegrown competitors Queensland University of Technology (30) and ...
More »One in four studies in top journal unreplicable
Front-line victims of the replication crisis have been identified by New Zealand and American scientists: studies themselves. Colin Camerer, Brian Nosek and their colleagues from Massey University, America's Center for Open Science, and Caltech, attempted to reproduce the findings of 21 social science ...
More »Australian science output strong: Nature
Australia consolidated its position as the third most productive country for high-quality primary research in the rapidly developing Asia-Pacific region, according to the Nature Publishing Index 2011 Asia-Pacific. Australia is a top performer when it comes to science output per capita ...
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