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Professor Mary O'Kane chaired the Universities Accord process that partly looked at what factors are causing the most disruption in higher education. Picture: Supplied

HEDx Podcast: What will be in the Universities Accord interim report? – Episode 78

Professor Mary O'Kane Chair of the Accord Review Panel joins the HEDx podcast for a second time through an interview with research partner HERDSA at a keynote plenary panel session at their annual conference in Brisbane last week. 

In an interview by co-hosts Martin Betts and Christy Collis from the HERDSA Executive, Mary outlines her thoughts about submissions received, where her report is up to, what the key issues are that it addresses and what the process will be for the sector to engage with it after its release. 

Fascinating insights traversing equity, diversification, collaboration, lifelong learning and VET/HE integration at this critical point in time for the biggest review of the sector in a generation.

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