The latest quarterly Labour Market Update was released last Tuesday by Jobs and Skills Australia. In the year to May 2023, it found that 91 per cent of total employment growth was in occupations that require post-school qualifications. It reports ...
More »The benefits of creating an age-friendly higher education environment – podcast
Whether it is students or staff, the higher education sector includes people of all ages and all backgrounds, yet age discrimination still occurs. According to Associate Professor at the University of Melbourne Law School Alysia Blackham, universities may make an ...
More »An empire of scraps: the university research model
The way university research is measured and rewarded needs to change. Helen Razer has called these times an Age of False Enlightenment, in which our leaders regularly make claims to know what they do not know. We might dub it ...
More »Is it time to reassess the importance of the ATAR?
Is it time to reassess how the ATAR is used in tertiary education? The current policy climate in teacher education in Australia has a focus on accountability for outcomes as judged by a decreasing trend of primary and secondary student ...
More »NSW TAFEs, universities co-create entrepreneurship school
Sydney got its very own Stanford with the launch of the Sydney School of Entrepreneurship (SSE) on Wednesday. Unlike the prestigious Palo Alto tech-oriented university, however, the SSE will welcome students from all academic backgrounds. In fact, the SSE is ...
More »Links between universities and industry patently fine: report
Despite ugly-looking past figures and rumours that these numbers persist, universities and industry are collaborating just fine. Such is the finding of a report by government body IP Australia. Based on numbers of jointly filed IP applications in 2016, the ...
More »World-first Deakin study unmasks university ghostwriters
In a world first study, Deakin University researchers have showed markers can distinguish ghostwritten assignments from genuine ones. Their hit rate for identifying ghostwritten papers, however, was only 62 per cent. Seven academics each blind-marked 20 psychology papers, six of ...
More »Plain Jane no more: Monash Uni reanimates Austen
Jane Austen would surely feel pride, not prejudice, at the opening of a new exhibit in her honour, marking 200 years since her death. Jane Austen, By a Lady is a collaboration between Monash emeritus professor of medicine Chris Browne ...
More »Degree dump: latest attrition stats released
The who, where and why of higher education attrition have been revealed by the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA), the higher education regulator. Its report details the latest dropout rates (from 2014) for first-year students from 130 providers. The ...
More »IRU says demand-driven uni system working
On the fifth anniversary of the demand-driven university quota system, introduced by Julia Gillard’s Labor government, there are mixed feelings about its efficacy. On the one hand, Conor King, executive director of the Innovative Research Universities (IRU), claims it’s a ...
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