A harmful parasite was found in freshwater fish last week by a team of researchers, sparking an urgent call for more university research funding. Charles Sturt University researchers, in collaboration with NSW Department of Primary Industries and the Narrandera Fisheries ...
More »Uni students can learn empathy through their degrees
University students who complete community placements modules in their degrees have more empathy than those who study only theory, new research has found. A new systematic review by the Australian Catholic University found that students who completed community placement during ...
More »A look at the typeface that ‘helps students study’
That’s according to the RMIT University researchers who designed it. Released yesterday, it’s believed to be the world’s first typeface specifically designed to help people retain information and remember study notes. Called Sans Forgetica, it’s a back-slanted, gapped font based on ...
More »For students, orderliness is next to success
If cleanliness is next to godliness, according to a new study, additionally, orderliness is next to academic success. Taking showers and eating meals at standard intervals could enhance your GPA, the Journal of the Royal Society Interface research suggests. Though the results ...
More »Why teens are less groggy: Deakin
Did you know that Australia now boasts one of the lowest teen drinking rates in the developed world? Prior to 1999, however, the opposite was true. A key reason for the radical, relatively abrupt shift? According to a Deakin University study ...
More »Can AI really predict suicide?
Despite click-baiting headlines like How tech giants are using AI to prevent self-harm and suicide and Artificial intelligence can now predict suicide with remarkable accuracy, some experts aren't so sure that's true. On the back of a further claim that AI uses brain imaging data to ‘identify suicidal youth’, this time, ...
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