While articulation and connectivity between the VET and university sectors are crucial to meet the government’s social inclusion agenda and workforce needs, convoluted and perplexing regulatory requirements and “horse-trading” between the Commonwealth and the states are significant barriers to these ...
More »Victoria leads the way to universal entitlement
Victoria is well placed to be the only state to offer universal entitlement to postsecondary education, Jacinta Allan, state Minister for Skills and Workforce Participation, told a seminar last week. But partnerships between governments, universities and training providers will be ...
More »Looking for equal footing on uneven ground
A decline in the monopoly on the provision of research and the awarding of degrees, and the competitive pressures of a demand-driven market were looming threats to the survival of non-viable Australian universities. Professor Paul Johnson, vice-chancellor of La Trobe ...
More »International education undermines domestic provision: Marginson
Federal government policy is driving rapid expansion of its revenue in international education. This is turn is resulting in universities failing to address static domestic participation rates and poor international research standings, Professor Simon Marginson told the second of five ...
More »Dual sector has lots to offer in post-Bradley world: Gardner
TAFE is better suited to supporting the needs of first-generation and educationally ill-equipped students who will swamp universities if the higher education sector is to meet they key government target of 40 per cent of 24 to 35 year olds ...
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