Catherine O’Sullivan has been appointed to Bond University’s newly created role of pro vice-chancellor pathways and partnerships, to expand the university’s engagement with community and industry groups across Australia. O’Sullivan brings to the role 30 years’ experience in senior management roles in education and state and federal government, having worked with Indigenous communities, schools and sporting groups. Most recently she played a leading role in developing and delivering federal government education and employment programs for Queensland’s education department. Prior to this role, O’Sullivan has served as assistant director-general (regional delivery) for the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, executive director of schools for Education Queensland, and a principal in regional Queensland. “I am incredibly excited by the strategic thinking of Bond,” O’Sullivan said. “I think it is laudable that a non-profit, private university can challenge the tertiary landscape in such a crowded public arena.” She will begin her new role on January 14, 2013.
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