The federal government has scrapped plans to place a "lifetime cap" on student loans, but has been granted support from the lower house to reduce the repayment threshold. Legislation to lower the repayment threshold from $55,000 to $45,000 has been ...
More »Students collaborate to fight changes to HELP scheme
The National Union of Students (NUS) and the Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations (CAPA) have launched a campaign to fight proposals to changed student loan legislation. The Bury the Bill campaign has seen the two organisations collaborate to instigate change ...
More »Flashing a bit of leg for feminism
Student and staff unions have relaunched Bluestocking Week to celebrate and campaign for women in higher education Women across Australia have welcomed back the return of Bluestocking Week with special functions, dances and other activities. The National Tertiary Education Union ...
More »Campuses slow to share amenities fees
Student organisations at several universities are still in negotiations with management over the allocation of money raised under the Student Services Amenities Fee, with some groups concerned they will receive no money at all. NUS president Donherra Walmsley said Swinburne ...
More »Mature age students start own group
Overwhelmed by the sheer number of undergraduates fresh from high school, mature age students tend to exist in the background of Australian universities. But that is changing. What began as loose meetings among a few older students at Edith Cowan University ...
More »Students mark unis for services
Universities will be asked to demonstrate they are taking on student input when it comes to the spending of funds collected under the new Student Services and Amenities bill passed recently by the Senate. The National Union of Students will ...
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