In an Australian first, the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has released an interactive timeline of Australia's VET policies, programs and initiatives over the past two decades. The 20-year-snapshot of the nation's vocational training history was developed to ...
More »NAEN backs calls for VET review
New reports suggest the VET sector may be reviewed and overhauled within the next 12 months. Recommendations to review the sector were published as part of Innovation and Science Australia’s latest report: Australia 2030: Prosperity Through Innovation. The report has ...
More »Free university education: Kiwi feat or a red herring?
When Jacinda Ardern became New Zealand's Prime Minister in October last year, many were surprised because of her youth, inexperience and femininity. Staunchly Labour, she moved quickly to enact her 'progressive, anti-capitalist' agenda. Among her reforms was making all forms of higher education ...
More »Do grads and employers really disparage degrees? Depends on who you ask
2018 is barely a week old, and already there's debate concerning the tertiary education sector: this time, over the results of the 2017 Employer Satisfaction Survey. On the one hand, Universities Australia (UA) found the survey of recent graduates and their employers heartening. They pointed ...
More »STEM graduates solve social problems
Staged in Canberra recently, the Battle of the Innovators competition saw Australia’s STEM graduates prove their worth in the form of solutions to the nation’s social problems. Hosted by the Department of Human Services, the event has been running for ...
More »Education spending ‘incoherent’: Mitchell Institute
An education policy and research body has rebuked the government for its approach to sector funding, calling it "disjointed". Victoria University's Mitchell Institute, in its report, Expenditure on Education and Training in Australia 2017, based its view on 2015-16 federal, state ...
More »Project will elevate the status of VET
Australia’s National Apprentice Employment Network (NAEN) has welcomed a new initiative that will promote the range of careers available through VET. The Real Skills for Real Careers project was launched by the federal government today and will champion the benefits ...
More »Putting the ‘e’ for ‘entrepreneur’ in VET
Domestic manufacturing has all but disappeared, the mining boom is long over, and jobs like IT support are increasingly being offshored. Meanwhile, innovation is in, and will continue to be so for the foreseeable future. So, where does this leave ...
More »Education leader praises Asia’s VET sector
In the 1990s, Peter Noonan says, our VET sector was the envy of the rest of the Asia-Pacific. Now, the professor of tertiary education policy at Victoria University's Mitchell Institute thinks it might be the other way round. At a recent Hong Kong-based ...
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