The final report of the national VET review, “Strengthening Skills: Expert Review of Australia’s Vocational Education and Training System” (Joyce Review) has just been published, and its early stage recommendations have been comprehensively adopted within the announced national budget. A ...
More »Dual-sector unis call for major reforms of higher education and VET
Australia’s six dual-sector university vice chancellors have called for a common policy framework and a suite of major reforms of the country’s fragmented higher education and vocational training systems, via a new report. The report, Reforming Post-Secondary Education in Australia, ...
More »Budget roundup: universities say surplus a missed opportunity
The government is touting a $7.1 billion surplus in its latest Budget but universities aren’t celebrating. Universities Australia said the surplus was a missed opportunity to reverse cuts to university funding. Chief executive Catriona Jackson said: “It makes no sense ...
More »Making friends with new ideas – tertiary system reforms at AQF 5-6
While the nation awaits future policy directions on ‘post schooling’ education and training following the outcomes of the 2019 federal election, there are a number of Government initiated reviews and consultations ongoing, as well as other published independent policy proposals. ...
More »Exploring diploma-level apprenticeships and VET student loans
This article examines apprenticeships and traineeships undertaken at a VET diploma level by cross reference to diplomas financed under the VET Student Loans (VSL) Approved Courses list. The purpose is to examine which courses so listed have in the recent ...
More »VET review: Professor urges schools to ditch VET/uni dichotomy
A Murdoch University professor has criticised schools for encouraging students to choose between a VET or university pathway. Barry Down, a VET and student engagement specialist, says this dichotomy has become unrealistic. "The reality is that society requires smart workers and citizens with ...
More »A more deliberate approach to boosting VET teacher capability needed: thesis
Examples of good teaching in the VET sector are largely borne out of personal commitment, rather than systematic professional development. That was one of the findings of thesis work by Flinders University PhD graduate Anne Dening. Dening, who has more ...
More »Diversity more than a multicoloured student body: US community college leader
The American TV show Community, which aired between 2009 and 2015, humourised the experiences of community college students. The usual stereotypes – a single mother, a former drug addict, a film student – featured, yet the show gave them a depth ...
More »For creativity, ditch the light bulb theory: Danish psychology prof
You don't necessarily expect to hear Nietzsche quoted at a vocational education and training conference, but No Frills surprised attendees. Held in Sydney on 15–17 August, the NCVER's annual 'do was given a philosophical bent by keynote speaker Dr Lene ...
More »Unis erecting ‘Taj Mahals’, ‘prepared to let standards slip’: Grattan debate
Despite having worked at several of them, Judith Sloan is sceptical of universities. The conservative economist and contributing economics editor at The Australian recently told an audience that she "doesn't trust" universities, and thinks "they’re prepared to let standards slip to put bums ...
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