The following does not contain typos: disengaged 24-year-olds cost taxpayers $69 billion over a lifetime. This is one of the major findings of the Mitchell Institute’s new report, Counting the costs of lost opportunity in Australian education. The Institute, based ...
More »California dreaming no more: Curtin students head to Stanford
Supawit Mahaguna, aged 21, was born in Thailand. Now a Bachelor of Commerce (International Business) student at Curtin University, he has stumbled on greater success with, literally, the click of an email. "I received an email about [the opportunity]. At the ...
More »Student fee changes up for debate
They were a suitably contrarian trio. Professor Glyn Davis, vice-chancellor of the University of Melbourne, Sophie Johnston, president of the National Union of Students, and Andrew Norton, higher education program director at the Grattan Institute, graced the stage at the ...
More »USYD alumni help young women launch their careers
You probably wouldn't follow your careers advisor on Snapchat, but you might friend ENID Network. Sydney University graduates Nina Khoury (commerce and law) and Adriana Stefanatos (commerce) created the network: an all-female careers advice and networking platform for high school ...
More »Students turn backs on Mike Pence
On Twitter, United States vice-president Mike Pence proclaimed he was “proud” to address the University of Notre Dame’s 2017 graduating class. But his pride may have evaporated when an estimated 100 students left as he commenced his speech at the prominent ...
More »RMIT students have the rights stuff
Five RMIT juris doctor students have made a robust case for improved human rights protections in Australia. The students, Brigette Rose, Frank Aloe, Helen Metzger, Luke Fowler and Veronica Snip worked under the supervision of staff at the Centre for ...
More »UC’s best arts and design grads showcase their finest works
The University of Canberra hosted its annual Faculty of Arts and Design Graduate Showcase on Friday 18 November 2016. This annual event collates and exhibits the standout work from UC's best architecture, industrial and graphic design, media arts, web design and ...
More »UTS becomes first uni to sign SANE employee mental health charter
The University of Technology Sydney has become the first university to sign SANE Australia’s charter, pledging to improve mental health among staff and students. At the end of October, UTS signed the SANE Australia Mindful Employer Charter. This is a promise to ...
More »Could exams be as stressful as bear attacks?
What’s more stressful, end-of-year university exams or a bear attack? Common sense would suggest the latter, but one educational expert has said some students find exams so nerve-racking that the stress response triggered in a test setting is similar to ...
More »SCA student protesters forced out
The longest student protest occupation in the history of the University of Sydney ended earlier this week, as police and security evicted student protestors occupying the Sydney College of the Arts building at Rozelle. It marked the end of the occupation, ...
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