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Should burkas be banned from university classrooms?

Why do you wear all black? Why are you even still alive? It isn't fair to us. While Australian universities grapple with isolated Islamophobic attacks, like the above-quoted one on two female Indonesian students in Canberra earlier this month, ones ...

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Why levity is the soul of teaching

How many of you still remember that teacher of your college days who had more to offer than just nondescript, soporific lectures – that teacher who held your attention throughout class with humour and levity? I’m sure many of you ...

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Strictly speaking: facepalm/headdesk

A lot has been written (often negatively) about the effects of online technology on communication, with emoticons, emojis and abbreviations like LOL taking the place of the non-verbal cues such as facial expressions, gestures and laughter that are available to ...

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You would believe what academics say

Is there a funnier university-related Twitter account than 'Shit Academics Say'? Sarcasm even seeps into its bio disclaimer: Retweets are not endorsements. They are performative engagement markers that intentionally confound direct alignment with ironic promotion, ambivalent reflection, or personal brand ...

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Details of Western civilisation degree published

The controversial Western Civilisation degree, currently homed at the University of Wollongong, has released its syllabus. It covers ancient Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages and Early Renaissance, and the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries through to today, via the lenses of ...

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