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Comparative website looks to overseas examples

The My University website is not unique – the Germans have been doing it for years. The federal government is considering emulating a German website that allows potential university students to compare universities based on subject, institution or city in ...

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Collaborative program off to ill-defined start

A program designed to get regional and research-intensive universities working together is hitby a lack of definition. The federal government needs first to define what a regional university is and what is meant by less research-intensive before the nuts and ...

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ESOS amendment: detail still to come

It’s taken six months to pass a Bill that seemed to have the Opposition’s blessings, and it’s going to take another three before the details become clear. Some 1300 colleges, universities and schools will have to reregister under tougher criteria ...

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Nixing the nexus

Australia needs to break the link with migration if it wants to fix international education, some claim. But will that really improve things? John Ross reports. Welcome desks at international airports, safety awareness forums, surveys of overseas students’ feelings. As ...

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Ballarat stretches its boundaries as equity calls

Melton, on the far north-western reaches of outer Melbourne, is the heartland of the federal government’s higher education equity push. The statistics paint the picture: low Year 12 completion rates, low education and training participation rates, by and large low ...

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