A shift towards a renewed focus on pathways and linked learnings not only sets students in a direction but gives them options. In Australia and New Zealand there is increased discussion about the need to engage young people especially but ...
More »Access & equity still the biggest challenges we face
Equity is an outcome and a measure of how fair and effective each person’s education has been, writes Stuart Middleton.I have just returned from a conference in San Diego in California that looked at success and retention in higher education. ...
More »Long may the Academy flourish
The impact of a first-in-family graduate is not linear but multi-directional writes Stuart MiddletonThe impact of a first-in-family graduate is not linear but multi-directional Excuse me if what I write seems emotional – it’s graduation week and we have all ...
More »Let's put away that cloth-cap insecurity
It’s time we got past this whole sector thing, writes Stuart Middleton I have just returned home from the Australian Vocational Education and Training Research Association conference in Melbourne, and very good it was too, with interesting papers, good keynotes ...
More »Choice in education carries a risk
Choosing wisely does not come easily to students so perhaps a little judicious guidance would not go astray. There is some irony that the word “choice” has won a firm place in the lexicon of youth as a word of ...
More »Institutional wealth a vexed question
Ability to attract private funding dictates capability in NZ tertiary sector writes Stuart Middleton Education is funded in two ways. First it is funded by public expenditure (that is by people paying taxes of which a proportion is passed on ...
More »Get real about future jobs
The purpose of the university is to prepare people to contribute to society through high-level thinking, writes Stuart Middleton As educational professionals we are letting ourselves down by the continual use of wishy-washy statements about the purpose of education. We ...
More »Back to normal a sad place for many
The toll on education of the NZ earthquake was huge writes Stuart Middleton. This week, 76,000 learners in NZ will not go to early childhood centres or schools. No, it is not another statistic about disengagement but one about the ...
More »Course transfer should be made easier
Tertiary institutions are much too inflexible and rigid on the matter of changing programs writes Stuart Middleton I bought some shirts the other day. When I got home I found that one of them was too small, it does pay ...
More »Transition to tertiary should be a planned process
Are many third-level requirements just a crude way of getting the ‘right people’, asks Stuart Middleton. The notion of sectors and calendar years seems to be hard-wired into our educational psyches. At this end of our day, we measure out ...
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