Are there alternatives to training packages for remote indigenous communities? Many VET leaders are preoccupied with two looming challenges: preparing for contestable funding and anticipating the implications for VET from the Bradley review of higher education. For Aaron Devine, Charles ...
More »Quality concerns escalate
Many providers committed to delivering quality training are concerned about the future direction of VET. Their concerns were brought to the surface recently by the low prices offered per student by the Commonwealth for the Productivity Places Program (PPP). For ...
More »It’s all about needs, aspirations and pathways, not mythology
Why are TAFE providers offering more and more degree programs? The issue of TAFE providers offering degrees gained national media attention recently with negative reactions to the decision by Holmesglen Institute in Victoria to offer a nursing degree. While ...
More »Industry passion for TAFE
At the recent ACPET annual conference in Hobart, a respected keynote speaker from Tasmania declared his lack of passion for the TAFE brand and organisation. While TAFE is soon to be dissolved on the Apple Isle, across the Tasman there ...
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