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Director for UQ mining centre

Dr Saleem Ali has been appointed the director of the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining (CSRM), at the University of Queensland (UQ). Named “Young Global Leader” at the World Economic Forum 2011, Ali is recognised for his research and consulting experience in environmental health and social issues. The CSRM is one of seven research centres within the Sustainable Minerals Institute (SMI) at UQ. It has contributed to the building of social competency in the mining industry through research, teaching and consulting since 2001. Ali has previously served as the professor of environmental studies at the University of Vermont. At UQ he will focus on enhancing CSRM’s community relations in growing extractive markets such as Mongolia and China and developing a diversified funding base, building on synergies between industry, governments and international organisations. He will also establish collaborations inside SMI’s research and study units such as the Rotary Centre for International Peace and Conflict Resolution. He will replace Professor David Brereton, CSRM founding director, who will become SMI’s deputy director, research integration, with a focus on developing research, collaboration and education in the minerals industry.

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